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Tell us about your Drycleaning/Laundry Business?* I am starting a new Drycleaning / Laundry businessI have a Single DryCleaning StoreI have Multi-Store DryCleaning BusinessI Own a Franchise BrandI run a Franchise StoreOnly App Based (cloud) DryCleaning BusinessI run a Commercial (Hospitals/Hotels, etc) Drycleaning / Laundry businessI run a Self Serve Laundromat
Services Offered DryCleaningLaundryBoth Drycleaning and Laundry
How Many Stores (branches) do you have? Single Store2 Stores3-5 Stores6-10 Stores11-25 Stores25-100 Stores101+ Stores
Expected Total Order Count per month (Include total for all Stores combined)? <100100-300300-500500-10001000-20002000-50005000+
Do you need a White labled/Your branded Mobile app for taking customer orders? YesNoMay be
What % of yours total orders are home pick up / home delivery? <10%11-20%21-50%51-80%80%-99%100%
Are you currently using OR have used any other Software in the past?
Do you want to send WhatsApp Notifications? YesNo
Do you need API access?
Current price for Drycleaning Full Sleeves Shirt (in INR). Excluding Taxes.
What Operations do you want to Automate/Digitize? BillingXXX
Mention your needs/requirements in brief
Main Store PinCode
First Name*
Last Name*
Business Name*
Country —Please choose an option—
State —Please choose an option—
State ID
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